Evidence-based research needs to become our day-to-day tool to address health challenges and answer complex problems
19 January 2023
In this blog, MSc EBHC student, Filippo Giliberti, discusses how the programme enables students to ask bold questions and answer complex health problems.
My name is Filippo Giliberti and I am a medical anthropologist by training and a graduate of the MSc in Evidence-Based Healthcare with a dissertation on supported accommodation services for psychiatric patients. I was always amazed by our ability, as human beings, to adapt to our physical and cultural environment. Diseases that evolve over time go through the same adaptive process, so "What is the interpretation that we give to these health issues? How do these affect us not only biologically but socially? Does our perception of health risks decrease over time?” These are some of the questions I was asking myself after graduating. This is also why I joined the Masters programme. I wanted to have the opportunity to learn from the researchers and professionals who continuously shape the future of research through the search for evidence.
The programme allows students to ask bold questions and work on these questions by adopting the most appropriate and reliable research methods. We were given the opportunity to work on assignments that challenged our knowledge. Our dissertation project was at the centre of this challenge. The modules were structured to provide a broad understanding of the reasons to carry out evidence-based research alongside technical details on the methods to conduct quantitative or qualitative projects. We also talked about the cultural impact of these methods. We discussed why evidence-based research needs to become our day-to-day tool to address health challenges and answer complex problems. I remember vividly emphasizing translating these research methods into daily tasks to improve people's health by providing effective interventions.
The daily use of these methods got me hooked on this vision of healthcare based on high-quality evidence. I took on the challenge of integrating evidence into my current role as Accreditation Programmes Director. The use of evidence started to become part of daily conversations when clinical teams were working on producing clinical practice guidelines (CPGs). CPGs are now the tool that clinical and nursing teams use to address patients' conditions while providing effective treatments at reduced risks within the continuum of care. CPGs are part of a larger scheme to increase clinical competencies through international accreditation programmes. As I started thinking about future research projects, I used the skills learned during my time on the MSc to be a peer reviewer and editorial leadership board member for the Journal of Patient Experience.
If you are interested in healthcare and want to work on meaningful projects, this is the program for you. I gained knowledge, skills and insights from the brightest minds in the field while enjoying my time in beautiful Oxford. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my mentors and supervisor, Dr. Yaling Yang, who allowed me to become the professional I am today. This is a special place!
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