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The CEBM thanks its major benefactors for their generosity and support



Funding Support 

NIHR School of Primary Care – supports Carl Heneghan


In response to the current pandemic, the CEBM set up the Oxford COVID-19 Evidence Service.  This service includes international collaborations from countries such as Italy where the outbreak has been particularly hard. Together we review and summarise the evidence and data to understand and support policy to tackle the current pandemic. The service has garnered considerable impact locally, nationally and internationally.

Our current funding priorities are

  • Theme 1: Synthesise high-quality, patient-focused COVID-19 evidence that benefits the public, clinicians and decision-makers.
  • Theme 2: Promote and disseminate our evidence-based findings through our existing international networks, as well as through more extensive networks, social and mainstream media.
  • Theme 3: Provide in-depth analysis on the initial transmission dynamics, the responses by individual countries, and the impact on causes of deaths.
  • Theme 4: Undertake an in-depth analysis of the cause of death across Europe with a special focus on Italy and the UK.
  • Theme 5: Understand the impact of densities on future healthcare, the potential role of urban concentrations and their relationship to rural surrounds to prevent, but also alarmingly to promote, communicable diseases across local and global scales.
  • Theme 6: Identify ways in which society can recover in a post-pandemic climate, including how social capital can be mobilised, the role of social prescribing and through the enhanced use of digital technologies.
  • Theme 7: Develop a greater understanding of how the cultural, arts and humanities sectors (e.g. green spaces, libraries and museums) can support society through improved physical and mental well-being immediately following a pandemic and in the future.
  • Theme 8: provide evidence-based solutions to mitigate the need for suppression strategies in the future (suppression means the closing down of schools, the economy and society).



Maria and David Willetts.


If you would like to further support our work please contact Ruth Davis Ruth Davis Manager, Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine.