Example student career paths
Match our courses and modules to your own career aspirations with our list of example student pathways.
(c) = core module
(o) = optional module
MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care
Practice of Evidence-Based Health Care (c)
Introduction to Study Design and Research Methods (c)
Qualitative Research Methods (o)
Teaching Evidence-Based Practice (o)
Combines intense research methods options (SR, QRM) and dissemination/teaching options(KIA, TEBP).
MSc In Evidence-Based Health Care
Practice of Evidence-Based Health Care (c)
Introduction to Study Design and Research Methods (c)
Evidence-Based Diagnosis and Screening (o)
Qualitative Research Methods (o)
Essential Medical Statistics (o)
This student took the core modules first (PEBHC and ISDRM) which is a great introduction to the diversity of our syllabus.
MSc in EBHC Medical Statistics
Essential Medical Statistics (c)
Statistics for Clinical Trials (c)
Introduction to Study Design and Research Methods (o group 2)
Meta-Analysis (o group 1)
Statistical Computing with R and Stata (o group 1)
Systematic Reviews (o group 2)
This student took two option 1 modules (MA and SCRS), and two option 2 modules (ISDRM and SR), for a syllabus that covers data collection as well as data analysis.
MSc in EBHC Medical Statistics
Essential Medical Statistics (c)
Statistics for Clinical Trials (c)
Big Data Epidemiology (o group 1)
Meta-Analysis (o group 1)
Statistical Computing with R and Stata (o group 1)
Systematic Reviews (o group 2)
MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care
Practice of Evidence-Based Health Care (c)
Introduction to Study Design and Research Methods (c)
Essential Medical Statistics (o)
Evidence-Based Diagnosis and Screening (o)
Meta-Analysis (o)
Options emphasize quantitative research (EMS, EBDS, MA) and systematic review (SR, MA).
MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care
Practice of Evidence-Based Health (c)
Introduction to Study Design and Research Methods (c)
Introduction to Statistics for Health Care Research (o)
Teaching Evidence-Based Practice (o)
The History and Philosophy of Evidence-Based Health Care (o)
Options such as TEBP and HPEBHC will enhance a career teaching EBHC.
MSc in EBHC Systematic Reviews
Practice of Evidence-Based Health Care (c)
Introduction to Study Design and Research Methods (c)
Realist Reviews and Realist Evaluation (c)
Complex Reviews (c)
Meta-Analysis (c)
For this student on the MSc EBHC Systematic Reviews course, taking the modules PEBHC, ISDRM and SR provides a broad introduction before taking the three specialist modules (RRRE, CR, MA).
MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care
Practice of Evidence-Based Health Care (c)
Introduction to Study Design and Research Methods (c)
Randomized Controlled Trials (o)
Evidence-Based Diagnosis and Screening (o)
Qualitative Research Methods (o)
Diverse syllabus touching many types of primary research (trials, diagnostic accuracy, qualitative) and secondary research (systematic review).
MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care
Practice of Evidence-Based Health Care (c)
Introduction to Study Design and Research Methods (c)
Evidence-Based Diagnosis and Screening (o)
Introduction to Statistics in Health Care Research (o)
Essential Medical Statistics (o)
A veterinary clinician taking a syllabus that particularly suitable for quantitative research. Took the online statistics module SHR followed by the face-to-face module EMS.
mSc in Evidence-Based Health Care
Practice of Evidence-Based Health Care (c)
Introduction to Study Design and Research Methods (c)
Introduction to Statistics for Health Care Research (o)
Essential Medical Statistics (o)
Teaching Evidence-Based Practice (o)
Core skills in research and teaching for an academic career.
MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care
Practice of Evidence-Based Health Care (c)
Introduction to Study Design and Research Methods (c)
Randomized Controlled Trials (o)
Introduction to Statistics for Health Care Research (o)
The History and Philosophy of Evidence-Based Health Care (o)
This selection of optional modules illustrates how varied the pathways can be, to suit students on different career paths.
MSc in EBHC Systematic Reviews
Specific role: Career track systematic reviewer or primary researcher wishing to develop skills in evidence synthesis.
Practice of Evidence-Based Health Care (c)
Complex Reviews (c)
Meta-Analysis (c)
Realist Reviews and Realist Evaluation (o)
Introduction to Synthesising Qualitative Research (o)
Specific role: Systematic reviewer with an interest in future quantitative studies.
Practice of Evidence-Based Health Care (c)
Complex Reviews (c)
Meta-Analysis (c)
Introduction to Study Design and Research Methods (o)
Essential Medical Statistics (o)
Specific role: Systematic reviewer with an interest in future qualitative studies.
Practice of Evidence-Based Health Care (c)
Complex Reviews (c)
Meta-Analysis (c)