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TEBM reading list

Core Reading


Additional Reading


  • Bad Pharma: How Medicine is Broken, and How We Can Fix It by Ben Goldacre
  • Medical Statistics at a Glance Paperback – by Aviva Petrie, Caroline Sabin
  • Statistics Toolkit – by Rafael Perera, Carl Heneghan, and Douglas Badenoch.
  • How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine by Trisha Greenhalgh.
  • Clinical Epidemiology: How to Do Clinical Practice Research by R.Brian Haynes , David L. Sackett , Gordon H. Guyatt


Search engines to familiarise yourself with


These are filtered versions of search engines. They allow you to search information and websites that have met specified criteria “” this avoids irrelevant sites or sites containing unreliable material.


  • National Library for Health (NLH) Specialist Libraries (including PUBMED)
  • TRIP (Turning Research Into Practice) database


Users Guides to the Medical Literature


  • Users’ guides to the medical literature. II. How to use an article about therapy or prevention. A. Are the results of the study valid? JAMA 1993 Dec 1; 270(21):2598-601
  • Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group: Guyatt GH; Sackett DL; Cook DJ. Users’ guides to the medical literature. III. How to use an article about a diagnostic test. A. Are the results of the study valid?. JAMA 1994 Feb 2; 271(5):389-91. Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group: Jaeschke R ; Guyatt G ; Sackett DL


Systematic Review Series.


  • Systematic reviews: synthesis of best evidence for clinical decisions. Ann Intern Med 1997 Mar 1; 126(5):376-80
  • Cook DJ; Mulrow CD; Haynes RB. Systematic reviews: critical links in the great chain of evidence Ann Intern Med 1997 Mar 1; 126(5):389-91.
  • Mulrow CD; Cook DJ; Davidoff F. Using numerical results from systematic reviews in clinical practice. Ann Intern Med 1997 May 1; 126(9):712-20
  • McQuay HJ; Moore RA. How consumers and policymakers can use systematic reviews for decision making. Ann Intern Med 1997 July 1; 127(1): 37-42
  • Bero LA; Jadad AR. Getting research findings into practice: Closing the gap between research and practice: an overview of systematic reviews of interventions to promote the implementation of research findings. BMJ 1998 15 Aug; 317(7156): 465-468
  • Bero LA, Grilli R, Grimshaw JM, Harvey E, Oxman AD, Thomson MA. Getting research findings into practice: Implementing research findings in developing countries. BMJ 1998 22 Aug; 317(7157): 531-535 Garner P, Kale R, Dickson R, Dans T, Salinas R


Articles about Evidence-Based Practice


  • Making better use of research findings. BMJ 1998 4 July; 317(7150): 72-75
  • Haines A, Donald A. Barriers and bridges to evidence based clinical practice. BMJ 1998 25 July; 317(7153): 273-276: 273-276
  • Haynes B, Haines A. How do primary care physicians seek answers to clinical questions? A literature review. Journal of the Medical Library Association 2006, 94(1), pp55-60
  • Coumou HCH, Meijman FJ. Sicily statement on evidence-based practice. BMC Medical Education 2005, 5:1
  • Dawes M, et al. Getting research findings into practice: finding information on clinical effectiveness. British Medical Journal 1998, 317(7152), pp200-203
  • Glanville J, et al. When less is more: a practical approach to searching for evidence-based answers Journal of the Medical Library Association 2002, 90(3), pp298-304
  • Grandage KK et al. The impact of evidence on physicians’ inpatient treatment decisions. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2004, 5(1), pp402-409
  • Lucas BP et al. Evidence-based medicine and the practicing clinician. Journal of General Internal Medicine 1999, 14(4), pp236-242
  • McAlister FA, et al. What do evidence-based secondary journals tell us about the publication of clinically important articles in primary healthcare journals? BMC Medicine, 2004, 2:3
  • McKibbon KA, et al. Review of the usefulness of contacting other experts when conducting a literature search for systematic reviews British Medical Journal 1998, 317(7172), pp1562-156




  • Statistics Toolkit   Buy now. by Rafael Perera, Carl Heneghan and Douglas Badenoch
  • Online resources (includes cited papers, further reading and Excel calculators)
  • Evidence-Based Medicine Toolkit (2nd Ed)   Buy now. by Carl Heneghan and Douglas Badenoch


Read a review


  • Searching Skills Toolkit: Finding The Evidence  Buy now. by Caroline De Brun and Nicola Pearce-Smith