Graduate entry/accelerated medical degree
CEBM Academic Lead(s)
The Oxford course is unusual in placing a very strong emphasis on academic and scientific aspects of medicine. We aim to produce doctors who are broadly educated in science and clinical practice, and whose clinical practice is informed by their scientific approach to medicine.
Many of the graduates from this course will choose careers in academic medicine: that is, in posts that combine medical research with clinical practice. Not all of our graduates will pursue research interests in later life, but we hope that all will bring a scientific approach to their thinking and to their practice at the bedside.
We recognize that graduates will wish to work on their own and explore areas that particularly interest them. The course aims to develop the skills that graduates have acquired in their first degree: there will be very little didactic lecturing, and plenty of time for private study and discussion of topics additional to core material. Exploration and appraisal of clinical and scientific literature, and its application to clinical practice, will feature strongly in both teaching and assessment.