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Overdiagnosis: what it is and what it isn't

Journal article

Brodersen J. et al, (2018), BMJ evidence-based medicine, 23, 1 - 3

Ten essential papers for the practice of evidence-based medicine

Journal article

Nunan D. et al, (2017), Evidence-Based Medicine, 22, 202 - 204

Effect of oral dexamethasone without immediate antibiotics vs placebo on acute sore throat in adults a randomized clinical trial

Journal article

Hayward GN. et al, (2017), JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 317, 1535 - 1543

Neuraminidase inhibitors for influenza: A systematic review and meta-analysis of regulatory and mortality data

Journal article

Heneghan CJ. et al, (2016), Health Technology Assessment, 20, 1 - 242

Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in children

Journal article

Matheson NJ. et al, (2007), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

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