Accommodating intraocular lenses for patients with cataract: A review
Migliore A., Corio M., Paone S., Cerbo M., Jefferson T.
Accommodating intraocular lenses (IOLs) are intended to be used in patients with cataract who want to reduce spectacle dependence. We identified four IOLs that are classified as 'accommodating' and are all available to the European market as they are Conformite Europeenne marked (Crystalens® AO by Bausch & Lomb, Synchrony® by Visiogen, Tek-Clear™ by Tekia and Tetraflex™ by Lenstec). We conducted a literature review searching for clinical studies published from 2004 in the major databases. Four studies met our inclusion criteria. Although there are no safety concerns related to the accommodating IOLs as the surgical technique is well established and is the same for standard (monofocal) and multifocal IOLs, evidence on effectiveness is still limited. No positive judgements can be stated from such a narrow evidence base. Comparative, larger and long-term studies are required to prove the performance and stability of the devices. © 2011 Expert Reviews Ltd.