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The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) at Oxford University develops, promotes and disseminates better evidence for health care.
Winners of the Evidence-Based Health Care Best Dissertations for 2022-23 announced.
26 February 2024
We are delighted to announce that the winners of the EBHC Best Dissertation Prizes for 2022-23 are Nur Hidayati Handayani (left) and Abhirami Gautham (right). Huge congratulations to them both. Read their responses to winning and summaries of their dissertations.
Congratulations to our 2023 MSc EBHC prize winners for outstanding dissertations
23 February 2023
We are delighted to congratulate three of our MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care students, Ho-ming Lee, Kasper Pihl and Skanda Rajasundaram, on receiving the 2023 EBHC Dissertation Prize for outstanding dissertations.
Congratulations to Course Director, Annette Plüddemann: shortlisted for Vice-Chancellor's Education Awards 2022
5 August 2022
MSc in EBHC Course Director, Annette Plüddemann, has been shortlisted for this year's Vice-Chancellor's Education Awards for her project submission, showcasing digital education innovation in the form of 'The EBM Primer', created in 2018 by former EBHC DPhil student, Marcy McCall MacBain.
Congratulations to FHS student, Harrison France, on receiving 1st place in IUPHAR Student Research Poster Competition 2022.
22 April 2022
Final Honours student, from the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Science and the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, Harrison France, has recently been awarded first place in the IUPHAR ( International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology) Student Research Poster Competition 2022 by the British Pharmacological Society for his research on preventable deaths involving medicines.
MSc EBHC students awarded 2022 EBHC Dissertation Prize for outstanding Dissertations
21 February 2022
We are delighted to congratulate three of our MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care students, Stella Vieth, Andrew Dagens, and Sean Godfrey, having been awarded this year's EBHC Dissertation Prize for outstanding dissertations.
EBHC DPhil alumnus, Dr. Samantha Roberts, announced as new Chief Executive at NICE
16 February 2022
We are delighted to announce that with over 20 years experience in healthcare, having worked in service delivery, consultancy and as a clinician, Dr Roberts has been appointed the new Chief Executive of NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) as of 1 February 2022.
Congratulations to Professor Rafael Perera-Salazar on the award of Turing Fellowship.
19 October 2021
Director of Medical Statistics, Rafael, is one of over 30 Oxford academics from across the university to be awarded the 2021/22 fellowship from the Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s national institute for data science and AI.
MSc EBHC students awarded EBHC Dissertation Prize for outstanding Dissertation
13 September 2021
Congratulations to Michael Tringale, who recently completed the MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care, and Claire Duddy, who recently completed the MSc in EBHC Systematic Reviews, as they are both awarded this year's EBHC Dissertation Prize for outstanding dissertation.
Congratulations to MSc in EBHC student, Wei Loong Lim, on receiving this year’s Gillian Nicholls Prize.
20 July 2021
The Gillian Nicholls Prize is awarded by Kellogg College, to MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care student, Wei Loong Lim, for his dissertation "The effectiveness of positive psychology interventions for promoting well-being of adults experiencing depression compared to other active psychological treatments: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials".
The Bodleian Library selects Oxford COVID-19 Evidence Service for archiving
17 August 2020
With over 10 million page views globally, the Evidence Service is now recognised as having ‘a lasting research value’ by the Oxford University Bodleian Library and worthy of permanent preservation in their web archive.
Professor Kamal R. Mahtani awarded John Fry Award
2 July 2020
The RCGP’s award for promoting the discipline of general practice through research and publishing goes to the CEBM’s Deputy Director
Awards for teaching excellence
9 August 2019
Awards recognise excellence in both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
The Creation of the Oxford-Brazil EBM Alliance
11 June 2019
Fostering excellence in Evidence-Based Medicine research and teaching in Brazil