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Oxford researchers review the evidence of Opioid use through multiple studies and systematic reviews, leading to the identification of 233 opioid drugs, development of The Oxford Catalogue of Opioids and six publications.
Preventable Deaths
Oxford research team, led by Dr Georgia Richards, launched the Coroners’ Concerns to Prevent Harms series in BMJ Evidence Based Medicine to disseminate important lessons that serve patient safety and prevent similar deaths, leading to the creation of The Preventable Deaths Tracker.
Consideration of adherence to pharmacological interventions in publishing guidelines and protocols for clinical trials in covid-19
It is important that those conducting clinical trials should take steps to try to improve adherence as much as possible and to measure it effectively. This project aims to support improvements in adherence with a focus on publishing guidelines and protocols.
Electronic Cigarettes for Smoking Cessation: Cochrane Living Systematic Review
With support from Cancer Research UK, we are searching monthly for new evidence for our Cochrane review of electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation (a “living systematic review” approach).
Salt intake in heart failure patients
This review will be the start of a body of work that will help future guidelines advice on whether there is any benefit (or harm) to low salt diets in heart failure patients.
Evidence-based multimorbidity
The EBMultimorbidity project focuses on early recognition, screening and treatment of multimorbidity to reduce the morbidity and minimise the risks to individuals while improving their quality of life and reducing costs to the healthcare system.
Diabetes and COVID-19
COVID-19 has presented particular challenges to people with diabetes - not only are they at greater risk if they contract COVID-19, but the pandemic has also disrupted diabetes care and management.
COVID-19 and Diabetes Research
COVID-19 has presented particular challenges to people with diabetes - not only are they at greater risk if they contract COVID-19, but the pandemic has also disrupted diabetes care and management.
Supporting social prescribing in primary care by linking people to local assets: a realist review
Link workers can help patients in primary care to develop a sense of belonging, confidence and sources of advice and assistance. However, this is only likely to happen if patients, GPs and healthcare managers ‘buy-in’ to the link worker role and trust in the skills of the person undertaking it.
The potential contribution of paramedics in primary and urgent care
Within the United Kingdom, there are now opportunities for paramedics to work across a variety of healthcare settings, with many opting to move into primary care. We undertook a systematic scoping review of published literature to provide an overview of the types of clinical roles paramedics are undertaking in these settings.