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In this blog interview José Manuel Ordóñez Mena shares with us which systematic review that he’s led or been involved in he would choose to take with him to read, if he was stranded on a desert island.
Is there a difference in cost between taking the module for credit or not for credit?
Answer All our short course/module prices are the same, irrespective whether they are completed for credit or not for credit. However, if you are a programme student completing modules as part of one of our post-graduate awards, there is a reduced rate for the modules you take. All rates are published on the course web pages and are updated annually.
What is the accommodation cost for modules with Oxford weeks likely to be?
Answer Students studying with us are required to book and pay for their own accommodation, for any face to face courses they are attending. Accommodation costs are not managed by the University and vary significantly depending on the kind of accommodation required, and the location within the city centre.
Are graduation ceremonies held at Oxford? Do all programmes on EBHC get a graduation ceremony?
Answer All students graduating from a matriculated MSc Award will be invited to attend a graduation ceremony which is hosted by the college they were accepted by when they started their award. Students who have successfully completed a non-matriculated PgCert and PgDip award will be invited to attend an award ceremony which is hosted by the Department for Continuing Education. All ceremonies are held annually, and in Oxford.
What is the average class size for your modules/short courses?
Answer Class sizes vary dependent on a number of factors, including the mode of course delivery, and the way in which the course is delivered. Our classes are typically between 8 and 24 students dependent on the module concerned.
Is it possible to register interest in a course with a view to joining it in the future?
Answer For courses that are either closed, or full, we operate a waiting list. You can request to be added to this list by going to the course web page and clicking on the ‘Waiting List’ button, in the grey ‘Course Details’ column and under the ‘Application Status’ heading. For note: If there is no ‘Waiting List’ button, the course is either still open for applications or there are no plans to run the course again in the immediate future.
Where can I find details of the specific topic areas covered by the module?
Answer The course web page is the first place to find details of what topics a programme module covers. If you have more specific questions about module content that are not covered there, then please email your question directly to indicating the module you are interested in.
For face-to-face modules with an intensive teaching week, how much additional study time is required after the week in Oxford and prior to the assignment submission?
Answer Study time outside of the intensive Oxford week is self-directed with additional reading and exercises to help test and embed learning available on the Canvas Virtual Learning platform in the post-Oxford weeks. The amount of time required to engage with this material is therefore largely dependent on the individual student and their own requirements in relation to completing the module assignment
How can I get in touch with any current students or recent graduates?
Answer You can contact EBHC Alumni on the official LinkedIn EBHC Alumni page: You can also follow the activity of current students and academic staff by following the EBHC Twitter account. Just search for: @OxEBHC
Is it possible to complete two modules that are offered concurrently?
Answer This very much depends on the specific modules and the modes of module delivery. However, it is extremely unlikely that two modules will not have one or more mandatory teaching sessions that clash. We would therefore not be able to approve for students to complete these modules concurrently.
I have previously attended a module as a stand-alone student. Can I import this module if I join the MSc Evidence Based Health Care Programme?
Answer Students who have completed an EBHC Level 7 Short Course for credit, may request to import this as a module on their MSc and PgCert/Dip programme.