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Cranberry in various forms has been used by women for decades to help treat Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). Up to 27% of women report using cranberry to help treat a UTI (1). But does it actually work? Primary Care post-doctoral researcher, Dr Oghenekome Gbinigie, explains findings from her recent studies.

Reflecting on the Teaching Evidence-Based Practice short course at Oxford
Dr Angela Difeng Wu shares her reflections on taking the Teaching Evidence-Based Practice short course at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford.
From statistics for clinical trials to medical machine learning, AI and healthcare industry inroads: One MSc in Evidence-Based Healthcare student’s journey
MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care Medical Statistics student Dr Wallen Mphepo shares his experience of the programme, highlighting in particular the Statistics for Clinical Trials module.
From Colombia to Oxford: Virginia Zarama’s journey through the MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care
Virginia Zarama, recent graduate of the MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care (EBHC) programme, shares her experience of the course.
Having experienced my fair share of ineffective online learning prior to the pandemic, I was keen to find ways to make my own online teaching more effective and engaging.
Research fellow Cervantée Wild shares with us her experience of taking the Developing Online Educational Resources short course
Balance is your best friend—mix rigorous study with the rich experiences Oxford offers. Network like a pro; your next big collaboration could be waiting just around the corner.
Independent mental health counsellor and award-winning MSc in EBHC graduate Nur Hidayati Handayani shares her experiences on the programme with us
The first step to being a good teacher is understanding what it means to be an effective educator.
Epidemiologist, health behaviour scientist and post-doctoral researcher Min Gao shares with us the benefits she gained by taking the Teaching Evidence-Based Practice module as a short course.
The need to evaluate research integrity when systematic reviewing: a Study Within A Review (SWAR)
Sixth year medical students Jennifer Knight and Archie Wing share details of their study within a review (SWAR) focusing on evaluating research integrity as part of their special study module at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
Are systematic reviews as trustworthy as we think? A case for critical appraisal bias in back pain research.
Final year medical students Lisa and Laura joined Dr David Nunan at the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (CEBM) for a three-week special study module (SSM). While developing their understanding of systematic review principles and evolutions in the field, they also developed a protocol to investigate the potential impact of implicit bias on systematic review findings.
Critical care physician Ana Spataru shares her experiences as a recent student on the MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care
Ana Spataru completed her MSc In Evidence-Based Health Care thesis in 2022 with a project focusing on the use of automatic technology for the administration of intravenous medication, a task usually performed by healthcare professionals.
Can we trust the integrity of trial evidence informing UK clinical guidelines?
Final year medical students Minahil, Oskar, and Sukhmunni joined Dr David Nunan at the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (CEBM) for a three-week special study module (SSM). While developing their understanding of some of the issues currently facing medical research, they also developed a protocol to further understand the scope of these issues.
Is the ‘best’ really the ‘best’? Chris Banks-Pillar recently completed his MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care focusing on the conundrum of whether the ‘best’ evidence really is the 'best’.
Chris Banks-Pillar shares his journey interrogating the integrity of evidence around exercise-based interventions for treating non-specific chronic lower back pain (NSCLBP) for his MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care dissertation.
Arsenio Paez shares with us his experiences during his DPhil in Evidence Based-Health Care and his plans to utilise these in his research, and with the students he teaches.
Arsenio Paez completed his DPhil in Evidence-Based Health Care in May 2023. Here he shares how this experience will inform his research focused on sleep, Alzheimer's Disease, and dementia and his teaching, in Canada.
Teaching evidence-based health care and being a doctor – a marriage made in heaven
Alumni, Anand Rajan, reflects his experience of the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching Evidence-Based Health Care and how this is only the beginning of his EBHC educator’s journey.
Hear Ranin Soliman's experiences during her recently completed DPhil in EBHC about generating evidence to improve childhood cancer health outcomes and resource use in Egypt
Ranin Soliman completed her DPhil in Evidence-Based Health Care in May 2023. Her DPhil research work focused on generating evidence to improve childhood cancer health outcomes and resource use in Egypt.
Investigating the Epidemiology of Opioids in England
In this blog, fourth year medical student, Antonia-Oliva Roberts, discusses her extended essay, investigating opioid consumption in England, as part of the Final Honour's Scheme.
Evidence-based research needs to become our day-to-day tool to address health challenges and answer complex problems
In this blog, MSc EBHC student, Filippo Giliberti, discusses how the programme enables students to ask bold questions and answer complex health problems.
The student voice: Medical Student Ioan Baxter share 3rd-year research project
Ioan Baxter, a 3rd-year medical student, at Worcester College, writes this blog, detailing his research project, as part of the Final Honours Scheme Research Projects Programme, completed under the supervision of Dr. David Nunan of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine.
Postgraduate perspective: Generating a Research Question for a Systematic Review
Many postgraduate students struggle to formulate their research questions. In this blog, Evidence-Based Health Care DPhil student, Ali Mulhem, shares his experience of finding a research question for a dissertation, having previously completed the MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care.
Alumnus perspective: Developing research skills and a questioning mindset
In this blog, MSc in EBHC alumnus, Drew Dagens, reflects on his experience of the programme and his research project under the supervision of Course Director, Annette Plüddemann, having recently published his dissertation in the journal, 'Clinical Microbiology and Infection'.
Is it time for OCEBM Levels of Evidence v.3?
In this blog, EBHC DPhil student, Ranin Soliman, reveals why she believes now, as we emerge out of the covid-19 pandemic, is a crucial time to revise the OCEBM 2011 Levels of Evidence v.2, to address health economic evaluation and avoid over-estimation of predicted outcomes and misinterpretation of findings.