To celebrate this milestone, we held a roundtable session with current tutors and faculty, at Kellogg College in September. Our esteemed panel included superstars of TEBM with multiple years of experience under their belts including Professor Carl Heneghan, Nia Roberts, Professor Ashok Handa, Dr Edmund Jack, and Professor Kamal Mahtani, chaired by Course Director for the MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care – Teaching and Education, Dr David Nunan.
They discussed their experience of teaching EBM topics over the past 30 years and what the future holds, sharing their highs, lows and top tips with a very engaged audience, including several Master’s and DPhil students. In what proved to be a lively and engaging debate they covered topics including:
- How has the changing evidence ecosystem impacted how we teach EBM?
- What will future learners need to be taught?
- And who (or what) should teach them?
You can find out more about our MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care – Teaching and Education and related short courses here.